My Freedom Of Style

Monday 26 June 2017

I know I have been MIA and we are already half way into the year. I thought for my first post of the year I should do a formal introduction of myself and how I came about this blog. Some of you guys that come here often might have wondered what is freedom of style? How did she come up with the name? I don't get it, what is this blog about? I am here to answer all those questions and more.

So I had travelled to Canada in 2013 to visit a friend of mine from high school. That trip opened up my mind to think about what I enjoy doing and what my interests are. As a start I knew I loved fashion, dressing up and expressing my style. Also, my friends had always encouraged me to start a blog but I wasn't confident enough to. But in 2013 the name Freedom Of Style was birthed and had stayed since then. Though I tried to change it, the meaning behind it represents who I am and what my blog is about.

So what is Freedom Of Style? it's a blog about fashion and lifestyle. I believe that not one person is the same, there is no other me than myself and there is no other you. We are all unique. I started this blog as a channel to express myself and share my interests and creativity with everyone who comes across it. Growing up in Nigeria, I was not fortunate enough be creative nor to express myself, that turned me into a timid child, shy and intimidated. I knew I was different but I never fit into any group or cliques, so I always stuck out like a pin wherever I went. I have struggled a lot with being confident when it comes to sharing my style and my opinions and beliefs with the world. I have written posts, taken pictures and thought "what would people think?, will they like it? can anyone relate to it? I have heard things like I am not trendy and I should try to tone it down a bit, be a bit more conventional with my outfits. All of that has affected my consistency with this blog.

I strongly believe that I am a unique person, beautiful and talented, I believe that is how God created me because in His word in Psalms 139:14 which says "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." I believe style is a form of art, I can't sing, draw nor paint but with my style I can create art unique to me and recognizable by others as my aesthetics. Freedom Of Style is not about sticking to trends or fashion rules of dos and don'ts, its about being adventurous, exploring and discovering who God has made you to be, i.e in his image. Freedom Of Style is also a lifestyle blog, I will be sharing my faith, places I explore, reviews on products, etc.

I hope with this little introduction you guys are able to understand me a bit and know what my blog is all about. I hope that through each blog post I can inspire or encourage someone out there.



  1. Love the introduction. We would love to see more! :)

  2. Love love the tones and colors of that 2nd photo <3 That is a wonderful passage and I honestly needed it this morning. I have this blog, Vagababes, with my two friends but also a personal one and it is really tough. Blogging feels so over populated I wonder "is it even worth it? why bother?" and so your post really couldn't have come at a better time and I'll dust that personal one off :)
    genuinely looking forward to following your journey Wendy!
    The Vagababes are cheering you on <3

    1. Thank you so much Miasatu. Your comment definitely just encouraged me and made my day already. I agree with everything you said, blogging can be hard especially when you see other bloggers doing their thing and really going for it. I am glad that my post was able to encourage you. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I can't wait to see the amazing content that vagababes will put out. Go girl!

  3. Great introduction and style dear. I'm excited to see what's to come with Freedom Of Style, more great content no doubt.


  4. Amen! The past few years I lost a lot of confidence and even though previously I had used clothes as a way to express myself, I just gave up. Recently I've been loving getting back into style. I don't follow rules or trends, I just do me and it feels great. Such a brilliant way to express ourselves! Loved this post, thanks for sharing, leanne x

    1. Thank you Leanne :) I can totally relate to what you just said.

  5. Love how you took your love for fashion and incorporated it with God and your passion! Very inspiring. I believe God gave us all gifts and it is up to us to use those gifts to help others in some way or another .


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