Review | Fresh Umbrian Clay

Thursday 29 June 2017

My skin has been a struggle for me since the beginning of this year. I have been breaking out like crazy, unlike before. After much saving and my willingness to splurge on good skin care products. One Saturday evening I made a stop at Sephora in search of a new product that would treat my skin concerns. I was set on that day to spend money on a good product that would at least do what it says it will do. I wanted products that would target my break outs, that will reduce the shine on my face and to treat the acne scars.

I took some inexpensive steps like working out at home at least three times a week. I also started drinking more water.

I walked myself to the skincare section at Sephora. There I saw a Fresh representative trying out products on a young lady. I said to myself heck yeah! I am getting myself a free whatever she is offering. I am all for anything free. It got to my turn, the lady asked what I wanted to target and what type of skin I had. I told her everything she needed to know. She mixed Fresh soy face cleanser and Fresh umbrian clay purifying mask on a Clarisonic mia 2 facial cleansing brush.for a deep cleanse. The cleansing was amazing. I have heard so much about the clarisonic cleansing brush but never got it. After experiencing the wonders of this brush, I am so going to commit to one this holiday, that way I will get a deal on it. After my face was deep cleansed with the umbrian purifying mask and the soy cleanser, my skin wasn't dry or tight. The soy cleanser had a hint of cucumber to it which gave my skin a cooling effect. 

She recommended this umbrian clay purifying facial toner to help control the shine on my face. This toner reduces the appearance of pores and mattifies the skin. When she applied this toner on my face, I saw instant results. It was my first time ever seeing instant result with a skin care product. I never trust what I read when I buy a skin care product. I would get a mini kit or sample the products incase it doesn't work like it says it would, I wouldn't be as heart broken and I get to save some money. After I tried this toner the lady mentioned something to me that I never knew I had. I discovered I don't have an oily skin but instead I have combination skin. I am oily on my T-zone (fore head and nose) and around my cheeks I am dry. She tried a different toner that will target my dry area the rose deep hydration face toner 

I tried the umbrian clay oil free lotion next. This face lotion purifies and balances the skin without leaving my skin dry and no tightness. I also noticed with one pump, this face moisturizer covers all my face and leaves it moisturized. I also learnt that I could use the umbrian clay purifying mask as a full face purifying mask, a spot treatment when I have a pop of pimple from no where and in combination with my face cleanser for a deep cleanse.

This is the first time that I bought a product and saw immediate results based on what the description of the product says. I was able to purchase these products with the help of the Fresh representative at Sephora, she helped demonstrate and guide me to make these purchases without going over my budget and she also gave me samples of the rose deep hydration facial toner.

These products are not affordable. But if you are willing to make that commitment to a brand that is natural and can help you deal with your skin concerns, I would recommend trying Fresh productsYou can start off with getting samples or a mini kit to save some money and still try the products out.


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