A Believer's Heart

Monday 31 July 2017

Hello,  everyone! I haven't posted on this page for a while now. For those of you who don't know what this page is about, check out my previous post here, detailing the purpose of this page. This morning, I started my day with a new devotional called God Hunger by Dominic Muir. You can find it on your bible app. Day one of the devotional touched on the topic of changing from the inside-out.

A few of these points stuck out to me. Through my personal experiences, I will illustrate why these points resonate deep with me.
  1. We are not built to be independent. 
  2. When we give up and look to the Father, is the moment of our greatest victory.
  3. Allowing God to change our heart will affect our behavior and will, in turn, transform us.
  4. The Kingdom operates from the inside-out, and it does work, bringing about spiritual transformation. 
  5. To give up our self-reliance and yield to God's work in our life, we need to learn humility.
  6. Perfectionism and control tend to produce shame and fear. 
  7. Let's get rid of pride. Choose to go low and God will lift you up. 
Before I gave my life to Christ, everything was about me. I was so consumed with myself. I was self-righteous, selfish, and I desired control over everything. I had plans, aspirations, and goals. Yet, I relied upon and foolishly trusted my own capabilities alone without giving myself room to make mistakes. Most times, I felt empty and burdened. It's not that I did not believe in God. I did. But I struggled with letting go and letting Him lead me. I thought I needed to do everything myself. Then one day I could no longer handle the pressure. How could I, by myself, bear the weight of what felt like the entire world on my tiny shoulders? So I stopped. I simply stopped. That's how my adventure with God started.

 I remember when I first gave my life to Christ, I told myself I would pray and read my Bible every day. I mean, that was simple enough right? Nope! It was a daily struggle. Some days I read my Bible, other days I just simply forget. I was so unhappy with myself, I remember telling myself this is not what a follower of Christ does. I beat myself up. I felt like I was failing God. Failing myself. So I took my struggle to God Himself. I stopped trying to force a desire for His word and instead prayed that He gave me the desire for His word. I noticed a difference after I said this prayer. I prayed this prayer diligently before every quiet time. I prayed my experience with God during every quiet time would be different from the last. I prayed that He should speak to me, open my ears to hear the word He has for me. 
When you give your life to Christ it does not mean you are instantly whole. Nah! For me, that's when the real work and struggles started. After I gave my life to Christ I still struggled with my control issues and still tried to figure everything out by myself. I knew I had serious problems so I prayed about them daily and intentionally practiced what the word of God said. That's one way I saw the changes I desired. To date, I am not done changing and neither have I gotten to where I need to be. However, I am confident to say that God is working in me and I can see the fruits through my cooperation with Him.

Colossians 3:12-17. This scripture talks about the vision God has for his people. It got me reflecting on myself, am I anywhere close to those characters? It also called my attention to things I still need to work on. After reading this scripture I called this vision of God for his people a believer's heart.
A Believer's Heart
  1. Compassion
  2. Kindness
  3. Humility
  4. Gentleness
  5. Patience- the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness that comes, with a good temper.
  6. Bearing graciously with one another
  7. willingly forgiving each other just as the Lord forgave you. 
  8. Put on and wrap yourself in unselfish love- everything is bonded together in when each other seeks the best for others.
  9. Let the peace of Christ be the controlling factor in your heart. 
  10. Be thankful to God always.
  11. Let the spoken word of Christ have its home within you.
  12. Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of Jesus. In dependence on Him. Give thanks to the Father through Him. 
 Leave a comment below of any area of a believer's heart you struggle with. Mine is patience, what is yours?


  1. Great Post! Good to see other Christians spreading the good Word of God. Cheers!

    - http://jamilakyari.com/aveda-comforting-tea/

    1. Thank you! I am trying my best to spread the word and hopefully impact somebody's life.

  2. Great post babe and I love your style so 90s chic. I love it!

    xo, Patty

  3. inspiring post. Your focus is now set. Thanks for sharing your personal point of view.

  4. I struggle with being thankful! I complain a lot and need to work on being thankful instead.

    1. Thank you so much Brenda for sharing. Here is a tip to help you be more thankful; instead of looking at the negative side of a situation, look on the bright side ( you are alive, you had 3 meals a day, etc). I realized that being thankful for the little things in life helped me complain less and not get too worked up.

  5. You look so cool! Denim jacket is a must-have! °₊·ˈ

    Blog de la Licorne

    1. Thank you Gabrielle! I love all things Denim.

  6. I love your honesty. [insert heart here] Number six in your first list definitely resonates.

    I really have a hard time not being anxious or controlling of things around me. Trusting my Father's sovereignty, provision, and protection makes so much sense! But it is something I have to ask the Spirit to help me with DAILY.

    1. Thank you Ivy for sharing. I love Psalm 23. Its simple and talks about God's protection and provision. I meditate on this scripture, it keeps me motivated and aware of the TRUTH.

  7. Beautiful post, I too struggle with patience at times! Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony!

    1. Thank you Natasha for sharing. I pray we both get better at being patience. I am still working on it. There are times I am not at my best but what can I do. I tell myself tomorrow is another day to be better. I also try to reflect on my actions a lot to know what triggers my impatience. So when I find myself in those situations, I will act better.

  8. Thank you for sharing your testimony! I always love hearing other people's stories. I struggle at times with trusting God for the big things. We've been on the mission field for 12 years and I trust Him for the little details of daily life but I sometimes try to help Him out too much on the big stuff. I'm working on that and this year has been much better!

    Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you Alida for sharing. I am glad that you are making progress with trusting God with Big things. I am sure your faith in Him will grow as you keep experiencing His power in your life.

  9. "We are not built to be independent" LOVE THIS!! It is okay to reach out and to need others. Great post!


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