Trust and Rely

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Hey guys! I hope you are all having a great day so far. Like I had mentioned in the previous post I will be sharing what I learnt about God in my quite time with him every morning. So for today as I was reading Proverbs 3 vs 5-6 I began to meditate on the words to deeply understand what God was trying to say to me, it says

"Trust in and rely on the Lord with all your heart and do not reply on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth (removing obstacles that block your way)."

After I read this over and over again allowing the words to sink in properly, thinking about each word and what it means and meditating on them. That's when it dawned on me, I realized how simple the word of God is and how simple his instructions are but we are in a constant battle with ourselves regarding following his instructions. We all tend to do things our way, when we want to and however we chose to. For me it's mainly the little things in my life that I forget to seek God's counsel. In the verse I just quoted, it says to acknowledge him in all my ways but I tend to pick and choose when I want to acknowledge God in my ways. I jump into things alone thinking, God I don't need you in this situation, I can handle it, its not that much of a big deal and you don't necessarily have to help me because I got this!

There are different areas in our lives we tend to rely on ourselves more than to rely on God. Lets say I am on a hunt for a job, as I prepare for the interview or send in my application. I could choose to rely on my qualification (degree, knowledge, and experience), my connection or on my performance during the interview. But the right way according to the scripture is to rely on God, he created the people who are interviewing you, the company was created by Him through man, He gave you the knowledge, experience and degree you have, he places everything in motion to lead you on a straight and smooth path by removing hindrances and obstacles. So LEARN TO TRUST HIM.

Questions to reflect on:
1. What areas in your life do you need to trust and rely on God more?
2. What do you need to trust God with in your life?

Do have a blessed day :)

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