New Look

Tuesday 12 August 2014

 I can't stand pain and I try my best to avoid anything that has pain involved but I was tired of my short hair because it kept growing and I was also getting lazy with styling it. so I braved up and asked my sister to braid my hair and this was the result, even though it took two days because of my restlessness. I was so excited about the outcome that my friend, Ada and i decided to go take pictures.

so this is Ada my lovely friend,  she is a model and very supportive of freedom of style. 

Shirt: urban outfitter
Shorts: Levi's 
Shoes: DSW

Dress: nordstrom rack
Shoes: charlotte russe 


  1. I love your shirt! Was excited when i saw a blog link in your IG bio. Nice one

  2. thank you! eloka, i will keep posting looks and other things so just keep checking it out


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